What do we do?

Selectra Italia is a web company created with the aim of simplifying the process of activating home utilities, supporting customers in choosing the best electricity, gas and internet tariff, through a free and personalized consulting service and accompaniment in the management of contractual practices.

Selectra and you

Our team

What employees say
"In Selectra non abbiamo paura del cambiamento e ci adattiamo costantemente. C'è sempre la possibilità di implementare nuove tecniche per raggiungere i nostri obiettivi e, come responsabile delle vendite, mi piace sfidare me stesso e misurare il mio impatto."
"In all areas there is an atmosphere of support, trust, support and collaboration. The company exudes passion and ambition; we all work together to achieve our goals and to make the company even greater based on our achievements."

Our values

At Selectra we are true to our values. They define who we are and how we interact with the world.
  • Competenza
    On the sites and at the call center
  • Excellence
    In service and product
  • Empatia
    In service and product


Find out why working here makes a difference and why we are committed to your professional success.
Incentives and productivity bonuses
  • For performance and achievements.
Mentoring and training
  • From the very first entry into the company.
Health insurance
  • For all employees who have been with the company for at least one year.

The main departments

Our SEO Content Editors are in charge of providing informative content to the users of our sites on the issues that orbit around the world of home utilities. They offer up-to-date content on available offers and news in the world of electricity, gas & internet and delve into industry topics with articles that are easy to understand even for the uninitiated. To reach as many users as possible, content is always optimized for search engines!
Consulting and Sales
Our Telephone Consultants handle all requests from users who contact us, offering them free and personalized advice on the electricity, gas & internet rates and promotions available on the market.Their goal is to accompany users in identifying and activating the most convenient and suitable offer for their needs, even helping them with the paperwork!
Staff Functions
We have many other management support teams for different business functions, contributing to the growth and operation of the company, developing new synergies!

Visita Selectra

For the Italian division we have 2 offices
Icon Rounded Arrow White - BRIX Templates
Via Santi Martiri Salernitani, 24 - 84123, Salerno SA, Italia
Icon Rounded Arrow White - BRIX Templates
Via Ombrone 2/G - 00198, Roma RM, Italia

Join our team!

If you think you share our values and would like to join Selectra, take a look at the job openings available. We are confident that you will find a position that matches what you are looking for.

Do you have questions?We have the answers

How to make the CV attractive?

Your CV is the first thing our selection team will see about you, which is why it's important to make it attractive! To do that, here are some tips:Make sure you include up-to-date contact information;Pay attention to the photo! Choose a professional one;Use a simple and clear style: no to blocks of text, very long sentences and typos, aim for immediacy! Personalize your CV by highlighting the values and interests you share with Selectra and the profile we are looking for;Choose the right arrangement of information: before sending the CV ask yourself this question -> "what information is useful to make it clear that I am the right person for the role?" Once you understand, rewrite the information with the best layout to make it appear immediately as soon as our recruiters open your CV!

Our ideal candidate?

Curious, dynamic, proactive and a lover of challenges!

What is the selection process?

If your CV is found to be in line, you will be contacted by HR for a telephone interview and/or a cognitive interview to understand your motivation, soft skills and expectations but also to provide you with further details about the position and contract and to answer your questions. If you are suitable for this first step, you will be invited for an interview with the managers who will also explore and deepen your previous experience and the technical skills required by the role.To this end during the selection process, depending on the position and the profile sought, you may be required to carry out role plays, tests and/or practical tests.In some cases, a final interview with management is also planned.

Are there any tests to pass?

Depending on the position you may be required to take practical tests, trials and/or simulations to assess the technical skills required by the profile sought.

What language is spoken in Selectra?

Selectra is an international company with offices all over the world! For sales functions it is generally sufficient to be fluent in Italian, but for some positions in addition to Italian, fluency in English is important and knowledge of French or Spanish is a plus!

How long does the selection process take?

The selection process varies in length depending on the position for which you are applying and the steps involved, but generally concludes in about three to four weeks on average. At the end of each of our selection processes we return feedback to all candidates whether successful or not.